The Last Month, In A Nutshell
I know, I know, it's been a month since I've updated. Things have been a little nuts. However, I finally got my act together and uploaded six months worth of digital photos to an online processor, so some of you (e.g. grandparents) will soon receive an e-mail telling you how you can order prints. I am trying to dig out from the chaos of our lives.
Here are some of the things that have been keeping us busy over the past month: craziness at my job; trying to find a new babysitter after one quit; stomach flu (Jim and Becca and the babysitter) and colds (all of us), which made the work and daycare juggling act even more interesting. Also, I have been looking for a preschool for Zoe for next year, while bemoaning the cost of all the preschools and wondering how we will manage everyone's schedules. There have been outings to Toy Story On Ice and to Sesame Street Live; two birthday parties; many dance classes; various playdates and trips to the children's museum; and the joys of jury duty (Jim did three days, I did one--again, requiring much creative arranging of childcare). There continues to be sleep deprivation, interspersed with glimmers of hope that someday I will sleep seven hours in a row. And I have been trying to fit in some knitting time and some time to work on my knitting blog.
The big news is that Becca is finally taking some steps here and there, and that she now says several words. She likes to moo when she sees a picture of a cow. She likes to say "Ta-da!" whenever she does something cute.
The funny of the week: a few days ago, when it was snowing heavily, Zoe asked to watch a TV show. When I turned on the TV I paused for a moment so that I could see the weather report. When Zoe protested I said, "Just a minute, I want to see the weather." In an exasperated tone Zoe replied, "Mama, you don't need to see the weather; it's the same outside our window!"
Katy at 4:47 PM