Hands Are To Hold
Hands Are To Hold
~ A baby makes the mother and father--otherwise they're just plain people ~
Sunday, October 31, 2004

Zoe the dalmation Posted by Hello Katy at 7:46 PM 0 comments

Becca wants some candy too (but she's not going to get any, poor kid) Posted by Hello Katy at 7:45 PM 0 comments

The girls admire their loot Posted by Hello
Katy at 7:44 PM 0 comments

Finished jack o'lanterns! Zoe designed the one on the left. Posted by Hello Katy at 7:43 PM 0 comments

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Princess Zoe at her birthday party Posted by Hello Katy at 9:40 PM 0 comments

Counting to Seven

ONE bright idea by mama: make princess skirts for Zoe's birthday party
TWO: the number of months ahead mama started planning for the skirts
THREE: a tie: number of trips to the fabric store to buy supplies (the second and third times to buy things previously forgotten due to poor planning and/or poor math, such as calculating that 12 divided by 2 is 8); and the number of weeks ahead of time that mama started cutting fabric and telling herself, "No problem, I'll all over this."
FOUR: the number of hours spent madly sewing princess skirts the night before the party
FIVE: the number of times mama had to tear out seams due to stupid mistakes
SIX: a three way tie: the number of times mama cursed herself for ever starting this stupid project; the number of drinks mama longed for while finishing this project; and the number of hours of sleep mama got after going to bed at 1 a.m.
SEVEN: the number of friends wearing princess skirts at your daughter's fourth birthday party: PRICELESS

Katy at 9:35 PM 0 comments

Birthday Princesses (modelling their special princess skirts) Posted by Hello Katy at 9:32 PM 0 comments

Happy Birthday Zoe! (still in her jammies) Posted by Hello Katy at 9:31 PM 0 comments

Zoe models her new dance dress and dance bag (birthday gifts from grandmothers)--doesn't she look like a big girl now? Posted by Hello Katy at 9:31 PM 0 comments

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Zoe's pre-Halloween dress-up outfit. I swear, she came up with this one all by herself! Posted by Hello Katy at 9:59 PM 0 comments

Happy baby. Posted by Hello Katy at 9:58 PM 0 comments

Zoe samples apples at the orchard. Posted by Hello Katy at 9:56 PM 0 comments

Visiting the pumpkin patch at the apple orchard Posted by Hello Katy at 9:50 PM 0 comments

Settling For The Crumbs

Zoe's been in a particularly trying phase lately, so I'm hoping that Friday--which is her fourth birthday--will mark her entrance into The Age of Reason. Ha ha. Lucky for her that she's so darn cute. And--lucky for me, given her recent behavior patterns--lately she's turned into very much of a Daddy's girl.

A few weeks ago we went pumpkin picking with some playgroup friends. We had a great day at Elm Knoll Farm in Enfield, CT: gorgeous weather, lots of outdoor play activities, a hayride, a picnic. That night, when I was putting her to bed, I asked her our "regular" question: "So, what was the best part of your day?" She promptly answered, "When Daddy came home from work." She then added, "I love him more more more more more more more more more more than you. But"--as an afterthought--"I like you an eensy bit."

That's motherhood, I guess. Even when we bake the cookies, sometimes we just get the crumbs.
Katy at 9:45 PM 0 comments

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What We're Humming
Dan Zanes and Friends

the original Zoe?
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