Hands Are To Hold
Hands Are To Hold
~ A baby makes the mother and father--otherwise they're just plain people ~
Sunday, October 24, 2004
Counting to Seven

ONE bright idea by mama: make princess skirts for Zoe's birthday party
TWO: the number of months ahead mama started planning for the skirts
THREE: a tie: number of trips to the fabric store to buy supplies (the second and third times to buy things previously forgotten due to poor planning and/or poor math, such as calculating that 12 divided by 2 is 8); and the number of weeks ahead of time that mama started cutting fabric and telling herself, "No problem, I'll all over this."
FOUR: the number of hours spent madly sewing princess skirts the night before the party
FIVE: the number of times mama had to tear out seams due to stupid mistakes
SIX: a three way tie: the number of times mama cursed herself for ever starting this stupid project; the number of drinks mama longed for while finishing this project; and the number of hours of sleep mama got after going to bed at 1 a.m.
SEVEN: the number of friends wearing princess skirts at your daughter's fourth birthday party: PRICELESS

Katy at 9:35 PM 0 comments

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