Welcome To The Family Blog
This is our latest attempt to keep family and friends up to date!
Why a "weblog" instead of e-mail or a webpage? First of all, it makes it much easier for us to share pictures with everyone. Because we still have a dial-up internet connection, we cannot e-mail digital pictures without tying up our phone for ages; and it's hard to get them to be the correct size and resolution for everyone to view. I tried keeping a webpage at various times, but that was no easier: not only did the pictures have to be resized and uploaded to our local server, but also placed into the right place on the website, which involved fighting with clunky software. Thus--the weblog is born. Once the blog is up and going, all I have to do is send an e-mail once in a while, and the page is updated. Photos can be e-mailed to the blog as well--and the software resizes them and changes them to the appropriate resolution before they are uploaded to the net, meaning that what used to take five minutes now takes a few seconds. And with this format, readers can leave comments or send us interesting links.
For non-family members, this blog is likely to be a bit of a bore, although I'm sure that Jim or I will include the occasional musing or rant. In any case, we'll give it a trial run and see what happens!
Katy at 3:48 PM